The neighborhood council doesn’t usually have enough volunteer-power to do this kind of thing for you. In most situations, it’s most effective to do it yourself in conjunction with your nearest neighbors.
Here are two actions you can take:
Ask for help from the police:
Call our local precinct, East Patrol Operations 937-333-7440 and speak to the sergeant. You can request a patrol car to sit and monitor traffic during the busiest part of the day, or have them install a traffic counter (the box with 2 cables that lay across the road that measure speed and numbers). You may also ask for a radar speed display. This is a good place to start if pedestrians feel endangered and animals have been hit.
Consider having a speed bump installed:
1) Call Pat Sutton at Dayton Traffic Engineering, 937-333-3840, and ask for a petition of interest/instructions: She will quiz you about your street and how many speed bumps already exist on your street, and whether there is actually enough space for another one.
(2) The petition is just to gage interest. You need to get 51% “yes, I’m interested” signatures on the block where you want the bump. Take the petition to every house on the block. If it’s a rental, get the tenant’s signature, not the owner’s. Don’t worry about empty buildings.
(3) Return the petition to Pat. She will visit your block in person to verify the spot you desire for the speed bump. If it’s possible to install one, she will send out official Dayton ballots for the actual vote, to the addresses of all occupied buildings on along your block.
(4) 2/3rds of the ballots must say yes; neighbors have 3 weeks to vote.
(5) Pat will then let you know when the City is installing bumps. (Right now it’s not until April or May 2021.)

This article was written in October of 2020 and may need to be updated.