Here are the minutes of our most recent meeting, pending member approval. Thank you for attending, in person or virtually. We need you!

NOTES FOR THE HSPI November 24, 2020 Meeting


  • 3 execs – Holly Diflora, treasurer; Tracy Kraft 2nd VP (virtually); Heath MacAlpine, Membership Secretary
  • 5 neighbors in person
  • 12+ neighbors online (via Facebook Live)

Call to order: 7pm, Hope Lutheran Church downstairs dining room.

Crime Report:

Per Officer Bunch, in November crime was down 35% in South Park over the month of October. Here are the stats:

  • 9 Property crimes: 1 residential burglary, 5 larceny, 1 motor theft, 2 vandalized properties
  • 3 Violent crimes: 1 simple assault/domestic violence, 1 menacing, 1 statutory rape
  • 2 Disorderly crimes: 1 weapon violation, 1 trespass of property
  • 1 Drugs/narcotics violation

Property intrusions: If you ever need to remove a criminal trespasser from your business or private property, here are the steps you need to take, per several neighbors who’ve recently been through the process.  How to keep your property safe from trespassers

President’s Report: (none)

Treasurer’s Report:

  1. How much money have we got right now? The HSPI treasury is at $10,000.
  2. Where do our operating funds come from? The bulk of the current funds came from a very profitable neighborhood event in 2015, South Park Shindig. While member dues have added greatly to HPSI income in the past, membership contributions are trending downward, from $1350 in 2018, to $750 in 2019, down to $590 in 2020 – despite the high influx of new homeowners. Projects like the recent Wayne Avenue mural and a recycling initiative were paid for with grants.
  3. What do we generally spend it on? Standing expenses include post office box rental ($150/yr), dog waste bags ($1,000/18 months), Shakespeare in South Park ($500/yr), and landscaping for our green spaces ($1500 in 2018, $1100 in 2019, $0 in 2020)
  4. How do committee chairs ask for $ –by project, or estimate their annual expenses? If a standing committee submits a line-item budget for the year, the Treasurer can create and annual budget that members vote to approve. Those monies are then reimbursed to committees without further voting. If it’s a new expense introduced mid-year, members will have to discuss and vote to approve it as a stand-alone expense.
  5. Do we need to do a fundraising event? Not immediately. Especially since our social events either break even or come out ahead.
  6. What do neighbors consider most important? According to a survey done 3 years ago, neighbors rank parks maintenance very high (which costs something), along with anti-crime efforts (which cost nothing).

Membership Secretary Report:

Research shows that due to HSPI officer transitions/COVID, membership is down, membership lists are missing, the membership dues information on the website is out of date and functioning poorly. It will be easy to re-start the whole process from scratch to reverse the decline and organize member records for easy renewal.

Per voting precinct information (1D, 1E), South Park is a neighborhood of approximately 1,000 people who are relatively young, the median age is 39. The quartile breakdown of recently voting neighbors show they were born between 1924-1964, 1964-1981, 1981-1900, 1990 and beyond.

Heath proposes we organize a January 2021 membership drive to be completed no later than Jan 31, update the HSPI website (already underway at The Next Wave agency), drive membership via old-fashioned paper door-to-door handouts done by block captains. These handouts would tell people how to join (online, USPS, dropping a check off at 67 Park Drive the office of Treasurer Holly).

A budget for the January membership drive is forthcoming.

Housing Committee Report:

Miami Valley Hospital will be demolishing its buildings at Brown/Oak (the old Oak Street Antiques). A friend of South Park will be salvaging the architectural stonework.

Social Committee Report:

The Social Committee needs a new chair. Sarah & Willie Morris offered to co-chair beginning next year.

Christmas: Abby suggests we urge everyone to decorate their houses with lights and organize a “Wandering Hot Toddy Party” – a night where neighbors drive or walk to see lights, with neighbors possibly handing out beverages and treats from their porches. Ericka suggests an online “ugly sweater contest,” too.

Parks Committee Report:

This month has been devoted to routine maintenance of the landscaped beds. Two Boulevard evergreens will be lit for Christmas.  The Gazebo Christmas decorating is on hold since the Gazebo is still on schedule to have its roof replaced soon.

New business:

  • The South Park Cat Spay/Neuter Program is back! Thanks to a generous grant from Holly and Michael DiFlora, neighbors may take domestic and feral cats to PAL for free fixing by Dr. Laura. PAL has 4 clinics a month at Hope Lutheran Church, 500 Hickory. You must call Julie for an appointment 937-278-8330. Over the years, this program has resulted in a lower population and healthier cats.
  • Neighbors continue to show interest in purchasing South Park t-shirts and house plaques. It will take the efforts of a new volunteer to make them happen.
  • No meeting in December. See you January 26, 2021, when our guest speaker will be Leah from Gem City Market.

Volunteer Opportunities:

South Park offers tons of opportunities to be engaged! We can always use your skills and talents to help build a strong community.  You’ll find a way to participate as much as you like.

HSPI Board Positions. The position of Recording Secretary is open. If you’d like to serve, email [email protected].

Street Captains: We never have enough! Street captains hand out printed notices to their own block/street/or any territory they would like to self-assign. Contact Chair Nick Vanderpool via Facebook and let him know what you can handle.

Meeting adjourned, 7:30 PM.