Officers in attendance: Nick Vanderpool, Holly DiFlora

Committee chairs: Amanda Korb

Call to order 7pm

Police Report:    Car thefts are up throughout Dayton, with Kia and Hyundai cars the most stolen. The criminal activities at the Wayne Avenue Sunoco stations are way down, thanks to a focused police effort to arrest criminals and monitor individuals with mental health issues that congregate there. Neighbors are advised to keep an eye out for the appearance of drug activities by noting non-neighborhood vehicles that appear to be driving through our streets to make occasional stops.

President’s Report: If you’d like to run for a position on the HSPI executive board as a 2024-2025 officer for President, 2nd VP, or Treasurer please contact Nick Vanderpool at [email protected]. Voting takes place at the November 28. Currently running for re-election: Mark Manovich-President, Sarah Dugan-2nd VP, Holly DiFlora-Treasurer. More candidates welcome!

Regarding street safety, stop signs have been installed at Hickory and James, pedestrian cross walks have been painted at Hickory and Perrine, and a speed bump will be added to Hickory between Theobald and James, and a rumble strip between James and Perrine on Hickory to alert traffic to the upcoming 3-way stop. The Wayne Avenue Traffic Safety Coalition (WATSC) led by Willie Morris IV, garnered media attention after they presented at a recent City Council meeting. City Manager Shelley Dickstein has agreed to meet with Willie’s team to discuss seeking funding for traffic calming/road diet on Wayne Avenue between Wyoming and Keowee.

Treasurers Report: We ended August with a balance of about $13,200. Shakepeare in South Park (SiSP) earned  $4,600 leaving about $1,000 income, when in the past SiSP has broken even. We received a Katherine Hill memorial gift of $1,000. We wrote the final check for the Blommel Park fence, an expense covered by a generous gift from neighbors.

Membership Report: no report

Committee Reports:

  • Housing – no report
  • Parks – Leaf removal day is Nov. 20th – volunteers needed to help move those from the garden beds to the curb. Blommel Park new playground equipment– if the equipment arrives on time, we will be scheduled for October/November install, unless winter comes too early.
  • Social/Events – The October 7 Murder Mystery Home Tour event has only 2 tickets left to sell (out of 200). Erica Gad has volunteered to organize the annual 5pm Halloween weenie roast and costume parade October 31. The South Park Euchre Tournament will be held again in November. Looking for organizers for Holiday/Christmas socials. Looking ahead to a February chili cook-off, we’ll need a volunteer to organize that annual event as well.
  • Block Captains – Not a ton of recent distributions. Amanda will be reengaging block captains as a next step since she expects a 2024 HSPI membership drive flyer.

As there was no new business, meeting adjourned at 7:30pm


The new 501c3 nonprofit South Park Cat Care Collective invites all to their Oct. 21st fundraiser at Branch and Bone from 2-6pm. They are raising funds for spay/neuter traps and medical supplies.

Dayton community engagement invites all to City of Dayton neighborhood conference – this coming Friday Sept 29. Breakfast and lunch provided,