Help SPUG get ready for winter! South Park Urban Garden (S.P.U.G.)  Clean Up Day is  Saturday, Nov, 5th  from  1pm to 4pm! Rain date is Nov. 12 at the same time.  Cleaning up SPUG involves:

 pulling out this year’s finished  crops

 topping off beds with compost, manure, dirt, etc

 trimming around beds


Please bring gloves, rakes, shovels,wheelbarrows (please!) and anything else you might need!

Says SPUG team leader Nick Eddy: We had a great and successful season (maybe not the best  year for anyone’s tomatoes, but tomatoes did fairly poorly  everywhere in the area – ah, the gardening life!) and we intend to plant  again next year!  If you wish to use your bed for winter crops such as  garlic,  feel free.  SPUG Clean-Up Day would be a good day to do this, too.

Clean-Up Day  is also a time to claim your bed for next spring!  If you already had a bed (or more than one) this year and cannot participate next year,  please let us know so we can get an accurate count of available spaces.  We had to turn people away in 2011!  We ended  up with a few beds claimed this year that were never put to use our  hope is to get as many folks involved as possible in 2012!

PLEASE LEAF US:    Tell all your neighbors that WE WANT THEIR LEAVES!  Plop them behind the compost bins, on the side of the bins facing Warren Street.   With limited leaf pickup by the city, there is a lot of loose leafage to be disposed of, and we can make compost from it for the beds.  Self-sustaining!  CAUTION:  Please do not bring black walnut leaves.  They are too base-heavy and interfere with the surrounding organic material.