Call to order: 7pm, Hope Lutheran Church downstairs dining room.
Crime is down. The top crime in South Park over the last several years has been car break ins. This month, neighbors were worried about safety and disturbed by ongoing noise caused by 4-wheelers on the streets and parks. Officer Bunch spoke with the drivers and told them he’d be keeping an eye on them to make sure they obeyed the laws. These vehicles are not street legal. Regarding DPD graffiti removal programs, the DPD may provide us with paint if we need repaint defaced property.
- Property Crime: 4 thefts
- Violent Crime: 6 cases of assault and menacing
- Property Destruction/Vandalism: 1 case
- Trespassing: 0 incidents
- Drug crimes: 0
Minutes from the February 2021 meeting were approved.
Housing + Development: Spring is home improvement season. Neighbors need to know and follow the Landmark rules that govern historic homes – Porches, paint and siding, roof and chimney, gutters, windows and front doors, garages and fences. Download the Blue Book.
Before you start any work on the exterior of any buildings on your property, fencing, or landscaping, apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness (CoA) from the Landmarks Commission.
- Contact Holly Hornbeak at [email protected] for major work.
- Contact Abigail free at [email protected] for minor work.
Parks: Thank you to our volunteers for working in South Park Green this month! Next month we’ll be mulching our landscaped beds.
Social: We’re looking forward to safely organizing outdoor events so neighbors can meet and mingle. Upcoming events include an Easter Egg Hunt organized by the Unofficial Fun Committee for Easter Sunday tentatively 10am, an Earth Day Cleanup event on April 24th or 25th, neighborhood parties and a possible fall music festival.
Marketing/Communications: Please communicate in a civil, considerate way. Recent social media posts among South Park neighbors have been disrespectful and divisive. Good neighbors build good relationships, please communicate with thoughtfulness and respect — in person — to keep South Park a congenial place to live.
Anyone who wants to take photos to share on the Historic South Park Instagram, please let us know. A “New Neighbor Guide” is in the works to answer neighbors’ FAQs and share tips about living in a downtown Historic District.
President’s Report: Join us next month for guest speaker Holly Hornbeak, who will discuss the Landmarks rules that govern those with Landmark properties.
Treasurer’s Report: For month of February 2021: Income $138, Expenses $0.00, Anonymous Donation $1500, Ending Balance $10,335.20.
Membership Report: This weekend, paper flyers promoting HSPI membership will be handed out to all homes in South Park.
Motion: Approve the 2021 HSPI annual budget. Motion passed.
Motion: Discuss hiring a dog waste cleaning service to pick up poo on Park Drive Boulevard. Pet Butler Cleanup Service would charge $60 each time they cleaned the 3-block Boulevard. After discussion and requests for further research, motion was tabled.
Emerson Academy: Dr. Christopher Scott has left. Neighbors are helping out in the absence of a principal.
Perennial Exchange. Watch for the mid-April date when neighbors will bring their extra perennials to South Park Green to give them away, and perhaps pick up some new plants in exchange.
Memorial Day Tour of Woodland Cemetery. May 31, 10am, meeting at the gates, leashed dogs welcome, bring flowers for graves if you wish. Galen tells us the topic will be Grocery Stores, many of which occupied our old corner store fronts.
Gem City Market. Looking great, nearly ready to open.
Preservation Dayton (PDI). When asked to nominate endangered historic buildings for PDI to fund, neighbors suggested Bethany Baptist Church at 108 Buckeye Street.
Community Yard Sale. First weekend in May. Sign up here.
Meeting adjourned, 7:48 PM.
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