HSPI General Meeting, April 25, 2023, Hope Lutheran Church, Secretary: Sarah Morris

Call to order by President Mark Manovich at 7pm

Introductions and Social Time Invite

Community Reports

City of Dayton Police (Eric Miller) Email: [email protected]

Eric is with the Community Engagement unit, which covers the entire city. They take turns attending neighborhood meetings. Officer Bunch has a new assignment, so we will have a new officer assigned to South Park in the future.  Upcoming block parties or community events can be emailed to the unit, and they will assign someone to attend. Crime stats for the neighborhood: high motor vehicle theft, up all over. Hyundai’s and Kia’s are still an issue. Encouraged neighbors to use the Dayton Delivers app for parking complaints. No questions or issues brought up by neighbors.

Wagtown Representative (Beth Miller) Representative called in sick, sadly. We will try to reschedule in June. If you have any questions, submit them to us, so she can be prepared to answer to them. She has also offered to record us a video.

Martha Rodriguez, Community Engagement Officer: June 10th event – World Refugee Day. The community is invited to enjoy a panel of refugees to discuss their culture, music, dance, and food.


General Meeting Minutes from March 2023. Motion to accept, Sarah Dugan. Seconded by Nick. All in favor.

 Presidents’ Report

 Living Cities – April 22nd Earth Day (Wrap Up Report): A large amount of trash picked up by 12:30pm by the city. We had a very nice write up in the paper with a picture of our South Park efforts, including a few quotes from neighbors. 250,000 lbs. of trash picked up across the city.

City of Dayton- President’s Forum (April 24th): The city is requesting input on the 2024 budget from citizens. 5 meetings in May at various locations where residents can attend and give comment, ranging from May 16-25th. The closest two to us are May 20th downtown library 10am, Burkhardt library May 22nd 6pm.

Because of the Riffe and Traxler mansion fires, and the fire on the west side of Dayton in which 5 people dies, the city is very concerned about arson. The city asked if you ever see someone tearing down the black DO NOT ENTER boards from the windows/doors on abandoned/unoccupied buildings, immediately call the police. A new housing policy is coming out in June, but no details have been shared yet.

The Public Works Department is trying to move to a 14-day cycle for mowing the parks and vacant properties (versus 21 days).

Installation of new playground equipment in Blommel Park is hopefully to occur sometime in the Fall. They are working on 9 local area parks.

For people who have space on your tree lawn, reach out to 937-333-4800 Public Works for free trees that the city will plant for you. The HSPI Parks Committee will ask about potential trees for the green spaces and parks.

Starting the week of May 8th bulk waste will be picked up twice a month instead of once. You may schedule using the Dayton Delivers app.

Street Paving in South Park (Bonner, Johnson, Bradford and James) where water line work took place recently, will be repaved. The City will put up signs and give a 48-hour notice to move your cars. We will announce as soon as we know the schedule and potential dates. Wayne Ave from Esther Price to Wyoming is also being widened and repaved beginning this year.

Community Engagement Grant Workshop to be held by the City (April 26th – Zoom)

SPUG Development: If you’ve been by Burns Jackson Park you will see new raised beds. The new SPUG is being funded by a $3800 City of Dayton Mini Grant. HSPI must spend its own money and submit a report, then it will be reimbursed for the $3800 by the City upon the SPUG project completion.

The Easter Egg Hunt was a success! Thanks to Sarah Morris for organizing. Dayton.com posted an article and pictures.

Committee Reports


The gazebo gardens have been mulched! Around Mother’s Day the committee will begin planting annuals. Expect more Wine&Weed events.


The city is encouraging you to call and schedule bulk pick up anywhere items have been dumped or left out on an alley, not just at your own address.  In the past you could only schedule pick up for your own property, now you can call for any address, two times a month.

Because so many trash bins are blocking the sidewalk, forcing the elderly and families with strollers into the street, it is not permitted to keep your trash cans in the public right of way (on the sidewalk, curb, and even in the front yard). The city is going to start issuing warnings and tickets for those who do not move their trash can in the back yard or alley. If you need assistance moving your trash bins off the sidewalk, please contact [email protected] so we can assist.

Last month we provided an update regarding Wayne Ave. safety issues. We are building a coalition to advocate for improvements by the City.  If you are interested in working on this coalition, please contact [email protected]. The City is putting together a transportation plan and taking public input until May 21st. Please take the survey and indicate that your top priority is bike and public safety infrastructure on Wayne Ave. You can find this at https://walkbike.info/dayton/. Provide input in person from 9-3pm this Saturday at the 2nd Street Market.

The nuisance property 418 Alberta has been sold to a reputable owner and should be stabilized and improved.

If you live near a vacant home, please keep an eye on it and notify [email protected] if it is broken into or if windows are open. We will request boarding from the City.



Balance as of end of March is $14,660, written about $2,500 in checks in April. Income tax return was filed today. We have a healthy bank balance.


We’re hoping to take advantage of the Downtown Dayton Moeller Brew Barn community give back night, where a nonprofit receives 20% that night’s sales. HSPI is looking for a date in July (potentially July 11th) to benefit HSPI and have a fun neighborhood gathering and fundraiser.

 New Business

 Jess McMillan of the Mosaic Institute of Greater Dayton (corner of Alberta and Oak) brings community groups together to create large scale public pieces of art that are being installed in sidewalks as porcelain tile mosaics that will last 50 years. The Mosaic Institute is offering to install a 3’x3’ sidewalk mosaic in South Park to anyone interested.  For $1528 and the cost of sidewalk repair, you can have a custom bird mosaic installed in a sidewalk near you. Please contact the Mosaic Institute with interest, they are at work in their studio every Tuesday. Neighbors may need Landmark or city approval. Anticipated Fall install for the first mosaic, a Cardinal at Oak and Alberta.

Socials: Looking to host a new neighbor party in June or July.

To identify loose dogs, members suggested a microchip reader at the dog bag stations. If anyone is interested in looking at the cost and process, please bring it forward. Melanie and Lisa offered their personal devices for use by anyone in the neighborhood.


 Next month – John McManus (Montgomery County Treasurer): We would like him to try to walk us through the process of vacant delinquent properties.

Shakespeare in the Park is scheduled August 18-20th! Auditions are June 13-14th at Hope Lutheran Church at 6:30pm for A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

The South Park Memorial Day History Walk in Woodland Cemetery will be Monday, May 29th at 10am. Gather at the fountain near the entry gate and wander through the cemetery to view and mark selected graves: this year’s church-related theme is saving South Park.

Want to give a Ted Talk? Dayton auditions available now for TEDx day, October 20th at the Masonic Temple.

 Motion to end meeting by Sarah Dugan, seconded by Karin Manovich.

Adjourned 7:57pm, followed by our mini-social.