The South Park New Neighbor Guides are going out, neighbors need to keep reporting suspicious activities that may relate to drugs, and PPDs are returning in July!
Meeting Minutes
April 2021 Meeting Minutes
The 5th Annual Earth Day cleanup in South Park was a huge success! Membership numbers are up and crime is way way down. After weeks of water main work, Alberta Street is finally repaved!
March 2021 Meeting Minutes
Thank you for attending! Crime is down, spring has sprung, plans are in the works for safe outdoor social gatherings. Coming up: An Easter Egg Hunt, a Membership Drive, an Earth Day neighborhood cleanup and more. Lastly, please be kind to your neighbors online.
February 2021 Meeting Minutes
New Emerson Academy Principal, Dr. Scott, introduces himself. Three neighbors volunteer to host PPDs this summer. Betsy’s Memorial Day Tour is back! Shakespeare in South Park announces an Actors Workshop. HSPI is gifted with a large anonymous donation.
January 2021 Meeting Minutes
Officer Bunch and Officer Newell explain how DPD officers interact with the homeless via their Mobile Response Unit by offering people on the street help and shelter. Leah Bahan-Harris GM of the Gem City Market gives us an update. We look at a proposed budget for 2021.
November 2020 Meeting Minutes
Here are the minutes of our most recent meeting, pending member approval. Thank you for attending, in person or virtually. We need you! NOTES FOR THE HSPI November 24, 2020 Meeting Attendees: 3 execs – Holly Diflora, treasurer; Tracy Kraft 2nd VP (virtually); Heath...