South Park News

A Bird’s-eye View of South Park

Neighbor Benjamin Hedrick is a videographer and voice actor. In order to keep himself busy, he decided to make a commercial about the neighborhood for fun. Enjoy!

Christmas 2020 in South Park

Alright South Park, the UFC (Unofficial Fun Committee) had our meeting and we've nailed down the events for December!   Here's what we've got lined up: Santa Claus is coming to South Park! Tuesday, Dec 22nd @ 4PM Santa will arrive in his trailer... ahem, sleigh...

The South Park Cat Spay/Neuter Program is back!

PAL has 4 clinics a month in South Park. For years this program – funded by a grant from Holly & Michael DiFlora – has resulted in a lower feral population and healthier cats.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt in Historic South Park a Success

The annual Historic South Park Easter egg hunt on the Park Drive Boulevard drew dozens upon dozens of children and their parents in search of eggs filled with candy and prizes on March 30,2013. Thanks to the efforts of the social committee lead by Abby Reed, those in...

South Park Neighbor Featured on WYSO

South Park is home to engineers, musicians, retirees, business people... simply put, South Park is home to some amazing people. As part of WYSO's ongoing series Reinvention Stories, Karen Stephens is featured in this week's edition. Karen is an active supporter of the...

Did South Park Once Have a Branch Library?

South Park Resident Larry Sizer has discovered photographs of what appears to be a South Park library branch. Here are interior and exterior views, with an NCR building in the background of the exterior view. Can anyone tell from the photos where these buildings were?...