- 6 execs – Mark Keller, president; Rachel Booth, 1st VP, Holly Diflora, treasurer; Tracy Kraft 2nd VP; Heath MacAlpine, Membership Secretary; Kaitlyn Kraus, Recording Secretary
- 30 neighbors, some in-person, most on Zoom
Call to order: 7pm, Hope Lutheran Church downstairs dining room.
Crime Report:
Officer Bunch was unable to attend but submitted the South Park crime report for February.
- Property Crime: 7 thefts, including 2 car thefts
- Violent Crime: 3 cases of assault and menacing
- Property Destruction/Vandalism: 2 cases
- Trespassing: 3 incidents
- Drug crimes: 0
Minutes from the January 2021 meeting were approved.
Committee Reports:
- Housing + Development: Alberta Street remains torn up as the City installs 2 water lines, 1 for South Park and 1 running to the University of Dayton. Neighbors have had to endure water shutoffs, gas leak problems, closed streets, mud and potholes. So far, the City has not responded to questions about a completion date.
- Parks: Our application for a $1000 Montgomery County beautification grant is underway. Parks hopes to have an Earth Day clean-up and a Perennial exchange in April. Plans underway to plant a memorial tree in South Park Green to honor parks volunteer Hans Wollenberg.
Answers to neighbors FAQs about Parks:
- Can we get improved Playground equipment in Blommel Park? While the City has no budget for it, we are welcome to write a grant to fund new playground equipment. The goal would be $30,000 plus $4500 to install it. John Harrelson is hoping to find time to begin a search for funds, and if anyone wants to help him we’ll put you in touch.
- Can we have organized children’s activities in our Parks and Green spaces, like a summer camp? Yes, if any of you want to take the lead on that, form a committee, figure out what you need in terms of sponsorship, HSPI will support you.
- Social: Thank you Sarah Morris for organizing a virtual Meet a New Neighbor match up for February. Three neighbors volunteered to host neighborhood parties (PPDs or Porch, Patio + Deck parties) beginning in July. Trish Burke-Williams, Heath MacAlpine and Kristin Scott+Tom Richardson.
- Marketing/Communications: Posting notices as usual, hoping the HSPI website will be fully functioning soon.
Officer Reports:
- President’s Report: Will continue to call the City to lodge complaints and questions about Alberta Street.
- Treasurer’s Report: For month of January 2021: Opening balance $10,063.80, Income $134.81, Expenses $1.00, Ending Balance $10,197.61. Thank you to anonymous donor who gave HSPI $1500 in February. Here is the full January 2021 Treasurer’s Report.
- Membership Report: This spring, paper flyers promoting HSPI membership will be handed out to all homes in South Park.
New business/Unfinished business: none
Dr. Christopher Scott is the new principal of Emerson Academy. He is a graduate of Central State University with a doctorate from Bowling Green State University. Dr. Scott introduced himself, spoke of his desire to ease the traffic problems on Hickory during school pickup/drop off times, and invited HSP to take part in a Spring Yard Sale with many fine items out of the Emerson attic. It is a fundraiser for the school.
Shakespeare in South Park. Producing team Galen Wilson/Phyllis Tonne will offer an acting workshop for neighbors who’d like to try acting. Tentatively outdoors during the first weekend in June. Once the actors have rehearsed their scenes, they’ll present it to an invited audience.
Memorial Day Tour of Woodland Cemetery. Betsy Wilson is planning to lead another of her famous history tours to share stories of South Park neighbors past now resting in peace in this beautiful historic cemetery.
Meeting adjourned, 7:45 PM.
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