February 25, 2025, HSPI General Meeting Minutes, Hope Lutheran Church, 500 Hickory

Call to order: 7:02 pm

President Mark Manovich, chair


Community Reports

Police Report-Officer Josh Blankley. Crime statistics are down for the month with the only notable crime occurring at Family Dollar (aggravated robbery/assault). Officer Blankley has returned as our neighborhood officer and is also responsible for the Oregon District. He reviewed St. Patrick’s Day weekend street closures for the Oregon District parties.

City of Dayton Housing Code Enforcement-Tim Bascom, City of Dayton Housing Code Enforcement. Multiple retirements have reduced staffing and expanded Tim’s territory to cover more than a dozen neighborhoods including Twin Towers. Tim will be reducing his available time for South Park to focus on Twin Towers, fire pile elimination, demolitions, NATO preparation, and his expanded territory. He asked that we use the Dayton Delivers App to report issues and to be patient since they are so short staffed in housing.

WATSC (Wayne Avenue Traffic Safety Coalition)-Willie Morris IV (President), Laura Estandia (Vice-President), Mike Squire (City of Dayton Division Manager, Community Engagement). Laura provided background on WATSC which is a coalition initiated by HSPI volunteers that formed to include several neighborhood associations, businesses, and non-profits. 

Their work over the past 2 + years has led to speed cameras, an ODOT Traffic Safety Study, surveys, and the identification of funding sources for improvements. Willie provided details about three Wayne Ave. proposed changes recommended by ODOT and the City of Dayton—a lane reduction between the SR 35 overpass and Keowee St., raised paver crosswalk and intersection changes at Clover St., and a lighted, raised crosswalk with concrete islands near the Park Dr. intersection. 

Mike provided details on the process and timing of funding applications and implementation. The City’s application for funding has been moved back to August (from March) to ensure community input is received, reviewed, and that the application is complete. If funding is granted, the work must follow the application and changes will not be possible. Residents were invited to provide input on large posters displaying the planned changes. An online survey has been distributed to the neighborhood via the HSPI e-newsletter and on social media. Neighbors have one more week to complete the survey.

January meeting minutes

Approved as submitted and distributed on the HSPI e-newsletter.

Presidents Report- Mark Manovich

  • Emerson School Traffic update-progress continues after weather delays.
  • Recognition and appreciation to HSPI’s February event organizers for the Chili Cookoff (Joyce, Trish, and Sarah) and Euchre Tournament (Jen and Eddie). 

Committee Reports

Marketing. No report.

Social. A new NATO-themed celebratory event for neighbors will take place on Saturday, May 17th from 1-5 pm. Neighbors will tour 5 homes, each representing a different NATO county and enjoy food and drink from the designated country. The event will be family-friendly with passports and prizes for participating children. HSPI will provide a stipend to hosts to defray food and drink costs.

Parks. Parks volunteers are currently applying for grants to cover plants, beautification, and safety enhancements for the public spaces in the neighborhood. Rain barrels will be added this year at key locations to help with watering efforts.

Membership. Memberships in HSPI are on a calendar basis and due at the beginning of each calendar year. Individual memberships– $15, family/household memberships– $25, age 70+ are free. The online system for membership payments is currently unreliable and fixes/updates are underway. Stay tuned for a membership drive once the system has been upgraded. Total current memberships – 29.

Block Captains. No report.

Housing/Development. Neighbors are asked to bring their trash cans in from the alley/sidewalks to (behind a fence) as soon as trash is collected each week, rather than leaving cans out all week. This will help reduce the attraction of vagrants and addicts to our alleys, who rifle through the cans creating a significant litter, trash, and theft problems.

With decreased City resources for code enforcement, HSPI volunteers and neighbors will need to work directly with property owners, especially absentee investors, to keep properties free of dump piles and overgrowth. Neighbors are asked to obtain investment property owners names/phone numbers to assist with this effort. Email this information to [email protected].

New Business

  • Earth Day Neighborhood Clean-Up date is Saturday, April 26th. A volunteer is needed to lead this effort, which is part of a City-wide initiative.
  • The Annual HSPI Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday, April 19th.

Announcements from neighbors

Neighbors expressed appreciation for HSPI volunteers who have planned and helped with social events over the past year, observing that the neighborhood is seeming more like pre-pandemic days.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm