Tuesday, October 26, 7PM at Hope Lutheran Church. Everyone is invited!
Join us in our efforts to keep South Park a vibrant, friendly place to live and work.
Meet with us online via Zoom or in person at Hope (enter from the parking lot).
Be a candidate for the 2022 Historic South Park executive team!
Three Historic South Park Inc. (HSPI) Executive Board positions are up for election this November for a 2-year term, including: President, Second Vice President and Treasurer.
We also need a First Vice President to complete the term left open as Rachel Booth steps down this year and a Recording Secretary to complete the term left open since Robbie Spangler stepped down. Both officers will serve one year and be up for election in November 2022.
President (Currently Mark Keller, who will not run for re-election)
The HSPI president is responsible for leading all regular and special meetings of both the council and executive board. He appoints committee chairs and helps find support for them as needed. The president also maintains relationships with neighborhood partners and city officials to advocate for South Park.
First Vice President (Currently Rachel Booth, who is stepping down before her term is complete. This position be up for election in November 2022)
Runs meetings in the absence of the president and first VP. Becomes president if the current president steps down. Duties as delegated by the president. In addition: brings suggestions to the team for outbound events (those that promote South Park to the public).
Second Vice President (Currently Tracy Kraft, who will be stepping down) –
Runs meetings in the absence of the president and first VP. Becomes president if the current chief and first VP step down. Duties as delegated by the president. In addition: brings suggestions to the team for inbound events (those that promote South Park to its neighbors and encourage community).
Membership Secretary (Currently Heath MacAlpine, who is not up for re-election) –
Heads up an annual membership drive. Takes attendance at each meeting to ensure those who vote are members in good standing. Maintains list of members with contact information. Makes sure monthly meeting notices go out. In addition: This role would make an excellent Volunteer Coordinator, helping members find suitable ways to contribute to the neighborhood.
Treasurer (Currently Holly DiFlora, who has agreed to stay on if re-elected) –
The treasurer is responsible for all council funds and financial affairs. A financial report is given at each membership meeting.
Recording Secretary (OPEN POSITION – need a candidate who can complete the remaining term and be up for election in November 2022) –
Records minutes of the Board and Membership meetings. Maintains a file of all past minutes. Oversight of the HSPI emails and Facebook pages, working with marketing/advertising /PR/webmaster in the timely dissemination of minutes/news/info/surveys. Keeps an annual meeting/events calendar, alerting planning teams to possible conflicts.
HSPI and the neighborhood board focus on: Improving housing stock, nurturing a safer neighborhood environment, nurturing community among our neighbors and the city of Dayton, working with HSPI standing committees, and advocating for South Park with the City and prospective developers. We rely on your voices and volunteerism to make things happen! Members of the executive team and chairs are asked to attend one executive meeting and one membership meeting each month.


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