- 5 execs – Mark Keller, president; Rachel Booth, 1st VP, Holly Diflora, treasurer; Tracy Kraft 2nd VP; Heath MacAlpine, Membership Secretary
- 30 neighbors, some in-person, most on Zoom
Call to order: 7pm, Hope Lutheran Church downstairs dining room.
Crime Report:
Officer Bunch was unable to present the monthly crime statistics due to DPD computer problems.
Officer Newell of the DPDs Mobile Response unit explained how they handle calls regarding the homeless, mentally ill, people suffering drug overdose and panhandlers. In brief, when citizens call about these concerns, the Mobile Response Unit (3 officers and a social worker) evaluate the need, offer medical assistance, offer housing through MVHO (Miami Valley Housing Outreach) and offer rehab care if needed. If you’d like to call Officer Newell directly, her number is 937-333-1251. She also provides training for community members about how to interact with the homeless.
Guest Speaker, Leah Bahan-Harrism GM of Gem City Market Co-op: the new grocery will be opening this winter.
Minutes from the November 2020 meeting were approved.
Committee Reports:
- Housing + Development: the Warren Street development is underway. The remaining former Clybourne Manor property has finally been sold to the developer Oberer-Thompson, however the expansion of that project is still years away and South Park Urban Garden is staying for now. The City continues to research the Wayne Ave corridor that runs through South Park to see if a road diet is appropriate. The Patterson-Kennedy site development (Flight apartments for U of Dayton students and Miami Valley hospital employees) is going forward with a larger footprint; they have purchased the American Legion post (31 Chambers Street) and will tear it down for additional parking space.
- Parks: plans for Spring landscape maintenance and improvements are underway; budget estimate has been submitted to HSPI; will apply to Montgomery County for a beautification grant to purchase plants and mulch.
- Social: HSP social events are still on hold for public health reasons. Events may begin in July, no promises.
- Marketing/Communications: Proposing to publish a SP guidebook to answer FAQs for residents, still standing by until the HSPI website is functional, standing by to support HSP membership drive. Plans to sell print-on-demand t-shirts are underway.
Officer Reports:
- President’s Report: Looking for volunteers to act as street captains (taking HSP flyers door-to-door); and to take leadership positions on the HSP, Inc. exec team.
- Treasurer’s Report: Proposed budget plan for 2021. Committees expect to bring in an income of $3650 against the $5,113 they plan to spend. Of that $3650 income, $1400 is expected to be from the 2021 membership drive and $2,250 from Social events and Marketing efforts. (See attached document for Proposed Budget 2021 details.
- Membership Report: This spring, paper flyers promoting HSPI membership will be handed out to all homes in South Park.
New business/Unfinished business: none
Meeting adjourned, 8:10 PM. (the Zoom meeting was abruptly cut off; apologies)
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