HSPI General Meeting January 24, 2023 at Hope Lutheran Church

Committee and Officers Present: Mark Manovich, Karin Manovich, Sarah Dugan, Erin Jeffries, Amanda Korb, Holly DiFlora, Nick Vanderpool.

Call to Order 7pm, President Mark Manovich.

Mark opened the meeting and had everyone introduce themselves, approximately 25-30 neighbors in attendance.

Officer Bunch and Officer Muradov were in attendance, so Mark began the evening with this section of the agenda, Community Reports. Community Reports

Per City of Dayton Police Officer Bunch — Stats not available tonight, as staff who helps pull those is out of office. Opened for questions.

  • Trespass concern — If possible, can apply for right of entry, as if your residence is a business. Contact Officer Bunch if you’re interested or need more information.
  • Wayne Ave. accident — Can we pull a report of wrecks on Wayne Ave. to Wilmington to see if there is an uptick in accidents? Stats can help with conversations with the City. Officer Bunch confirmed he can help.
  • Illegal dumping — Montgomery County Prosecutor requires a sign stating use is not welcome if you would not like individuals to dump in your personal dumpsters.
  • Speed concerns from Emerson — Request for Officers to potentially come out and park with speed guns. Officer Bunch confirmed.
  • Parked car concern — How long can cars be sitting on the street until considered abandoned? 72 hours.
  • Neighborhood project with new rookie officer — He is tasked to find a problem, address it and present to superiors, mid-March timeframe. A handful of suggestions were shared by neighbors. Suggestions can be emailed to: [email protected]

Introduction of Martha Rodriguez, Community Engagement Specialist

No November minutes to approve

President’s Report: Wayne Ave. Issues Letter passed around from Mark addressed to the city commissioners. Mark shared thoughts regarding his meeting with Mayor Jeff Mims and City Manager Shelley Dickstein, also invited Shane Anderson, whose building has been struck recently off Wayne Ave. Stats regarding how many cars travel up and down the main roads surrounding South Park were discussed, and the intent of the City not wanting to remove a lane. Can we address the speed limit, was questioned? City agreed to place a raised piano key crosswalk and countdown walk sign at Clover. They will also monitor traffic patterns. The idea of striking paint was presented by a neighbor in attendance. Also, changing the streets with traffic engineers. Members asked to send additional suggestions to [email protected]

Proposed zoning code change Addressed Liberty H.S. potential at Wayne and Wyoming. David Esrati motions we do not support the current plan that a school be placed at this lot. Seconded by Karin Manovich. Abby suggests we amend the motion to instead monitor, regardless of how we vote. Robin seconded. Tweak suggested to review our thinking and word it to state we support the development of that land based on context in the area, which is surrounded by other businesses (business district). We revisited the original suggested motion, to ensure our vote was very clear and direct: “we do not support the current plan that a non-commercial development be placed at this lot”. Vote held for original motion— 11 in agreement, 3 opposed, some no votes.

Salvation Army building: 1,000 foot zoning code between protective care facilities, the City is considering removing this code. HSPI has challenged.

Although it’s not in South Park, Mark mentioned the development of another Dayton Towers building across from Post Office on 5th Street which will be a seven-story building for senior housing.

City of Dayton Neighborhood President’s Meeting to take place January 30th.

Mark has requested a meeting with Commissioner Fairchild

Mark appointed Sarah Dugan to serve on the HSPI exec team as 2nd VP

Marketing Committee: No report.

Parks Committee:  Christmas decor came down. Committee meeting planned in February to discuss budget and annual plan.

Block Captains:  Membership drive coming up, having something physical to distribute helped in 2022. Amanda discussed open blocks are still available and those will be shared.

Membership Secretary’s report: seven memberships so far. Membership forms were distributed around the room.

Housing/Development: if there is ilegal dumping in your alley, call 333-4800. Use Dayton Delivers to report trashy nuisance properties and/or reach out to Housing Inspector: [email protected] 333-3919

April 22 Living City Project was discussed — a cleanup will be held. Karin mentioned there is a form to fill out if we want to host an additional neighborhood cleanup and secure a trash truck from the city, outside of this event.

Individual litter pick up was encouraged and suggested – thank you to neighbors who have gone around and helped thus far.

Stay tuned for housing 101 boot camps for neighbors hosted by Karin.

Historic preservation concerns were shared by a neighbor in attendance. Karin is supporting HSPI with these types of issues.

Treasurer’s Report: $2,000 gain in 2022. Full Treasure reports will be shared at the next meeting.

New Business: We will vote on 2023 calendar and budget in February.

Social Committee: Chili cook off event: Sarah Dugan offered to lead. Date to come.


  • Mark invited all in attendance to enjoy refreshments and snacks following the meeting.
  • A Girl scout was in attendance and offered cookies.
  • Former neighbor Katherine Hill says hello, Galen shared he recently visited with her. She is in assisted living at 10 Wilmington Place and would enjoy visitors.

Motion to adjourn by Abby, seconded by Amanda. Meeting ended at 8:10pm

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