Meetings are held for reporting executive and committee activities. If you would like to participate in neighborhood events or volunteer, please contact the appropriate committee chair.
Call to order: 7:15pm after some technical difficulties. President Mark Manovich asked everyone to state their name and address before speaking.
- The November general meeting minutes were approved without discussion.
- The November finance report has been entered into the HSPI records.
- The 2022 annual budget will be presented in February.
- Karin Manovich is the new Housing Chair and representative for Preservation Dayton.
- Sara Dugan has been appointed Historian.
Presidents Report: Please know that you can get hold of Mark Manovich regarding any neighborhood issue. [email protected] Cell: 331-201-6355
Committee Reports
Anti-Crime – Mark Keller, Officer Branch may be reassigned. The new chief of police is planning to phase out community officers. HSPI will send a letter asking to keep Officer Branch. Mark reminded everyone to report issues to the non-emergency (unless 911 is necessary).
Housing and Development – Karin Manovich, housing issues should be reported to John Carter ([email protected]). Karin can also convey reports to him if you choose to remain anonymous. 319 Wyoming Street has a new owner, no improvements are visible. Karin will continue to request that the city take action. Oak Street Church will be developed into apartments. Karin is in contact with the new owner. A Food Hall is the works for the corner of Hickory and Wayne. 418 Alberta has requested a variance for parking. This application was approved with modification.
Social – No report
Parks – Jill Davis, budget is in process. The benches around the gazebo on Park are probably useful for one more year. A mini-grant may be available from the city for replacement benches. A Montgomery County grant is available for beautification/additional plants for existing gardens. Jill will need volunteers to grow annuals from seed.
Block Captains – Amanda Korb, currently there are only “Super Captains” more volunteers are needed. 18 would be ideal. Block captains are not only in place to distribute literature as needed, but also to be the eyes on the street for new neighbors, housing and crime issues.
Membership – Heath MacAlpine, the membership drive continues, forms are available online if you want to pay with PayPal. You can print the form and mail your membership dues to: Historic South Park INC PO Box 3718. Dayton, OH 45401. Membership has been extended for all current members through February. If you are 70 or older you can be a member for free. Heath has also volunteered to find someone to recreate the South Park Lady Plaques. He currently has the project out for bid with a local foundry.
Treasurer – No report
New Business:
South Park became a historic district in 1981. No celebration was planned last year due to Covid. A reunion block party for all current residents and any former neighbors will take place Saturday, July 30 from 2-5 on the 300 block of Park Drive. Karin Manovich is the chair.
Veronica Court is planning casual music nights in June, July, and August at the Gazebo. A mini-grant application is in progress to defray costs. If you know of anyone would like to perform, please contact Veronica.
Mark Manovich brought up the problem with litter in the neighborhood. Suggestions for a remedy include: a litter committee, adopt a Block, or inviting an organization to help for volunteer hours (boy/girl scouts, etc). All new ideas welcome. Another litter related issue is trash cans that do not get emptied (specifically Alberta and Hickory streets and Warren/Brown at Burns).
A question was asked about the AirBnB’s in the neighborhood. The Executive Board will discuss compiling a list for posting on the website.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
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