Historic South Park, Inc.

General Membership Meeting

July 26, 2022, | 7:00 pm | Meeting location Hope Lutheran Church

Executive Board Attendees: Heath McAlpine, Amanda Korb, Nick Vanderpool, Mark Manovich, Karin Manovich, Elizabeth Horner, Mark Keller, Brandon Rogers

Absent: Jill Davis, Kaitlyn Kraus, Holly DiFlora, Sarah Dugan, Veronica Court, Sarah Morris



Officer Bunch – no statistics to share. 18 Adams is a problem, he is aware. Mobile unit has a new officer Jason Olsen: [email protected]

Catalytic converters are being removed from cars all over town. Report suspicious activity and try to mark the converters so they are unsalable.

Officer Bunch will organize a self-defense class if there is enough interest.

Susan Benson from the city of Dayton was present to talk about the Active Transportation Plan. Many residents have received an online survey. She had surveys for those who were interested. She is on a listening tour of neighborhoods: common issues are safety, lighting, sidewalk repair.

President’s Report | Mark Manovich

Update on water line replacement, street closures, sidewalk/street repair on Johnson, Bonner,

Bradford, and James Street. New completion date is the end of September, 2022.

18 Adams may be eligible for nuisance abatement.

Tote bags will be available at the Reunion Block Party.

Block Captains: Amanda Korb

They can always use more volunteers. Working to get coverage of non-historic South Park. Thanks to all who are volunteering.

No reports from:
Social /Marketing/Parks

Membership: Heath McAlpine

Heath is concerned that the dues have been stagnant for many years. Dues are set in the organizations by-laws. He would like to change that so the Executive Board can set/change dues.

Agenda topic Housing and Development: Karin Manovich

Karin attended a Zoom meeting about the reorganization of the housing/code enforcement. There will be increased enforcement of COA (certificate of appropriateness). This must be obtained from the city before any outside work can be done. We need to educate new neighbors about the procedures for changes within the historic district. Karin tries to get the blue book containing all the rules to new owners when houses are sold.

The Neighborhood Reunion Block Party is scheduled for July 30th – see Karin to volunteer. There will be a post party for volunteers with beer and pizza on the boulevard.

David Esrati is running for congress. He asked people to remember to get out and vote on August 2nd and November 8th.

No new business

Motion to adjourn was made by Abby Reed/ 2nd by everyone – meeting adjourned at 8:11

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