- Call to Order – President Mark M. 7pm
- Introduction and Social Time Invite: Drinks and Snacks
- Community Reports
City of Dayton Police (Josh). Crimes are all down. Branch and Bone incident (occurred this past Sunday)– no reports yet, but he will look into it. One robbery and one trespassing (224 Hickory) Drug complaints are down. Catalyic converters not as much of an issue, currently. You can register your car with BAT and it gets stolen, let DPD know and they can track it (no cost when associated with the city). You can learn more on the City of Dayton Police website. Sunoco issues – trespassing from the vacant properties is an issue when an owner can’t be found. The police will continue to monitor and chase them away. Usually when they are chased out of the parking lot they go to the bus stop.
Emerson Academy School and the Hickory Street Traffic issues. Principal – Ms. Johnson attending with special director Jeff leading discussion, and Tony Kroeger from the City of Dayton also attending. Jeff presented the design of a plan that would continue to use Hickory Street as the entry/exit for parent drop off and pick up and remove the school’s front lawn in favor of more parking. (for details and the results of this discussion read this article). Many South Parkers in attendance explained that the plan would not solve the ongoing problems caused by too much traffic on Hickory Street, and proposed Jeff return to a previous plan using Buckeye Street as the entry/exit for parent pickup. All voted in favor for the Buckeye Street solution even though it may take a year or more to implement. It removes the cars from Hickory. President Mark to follow up with a letter for Tony to that effect.
General Meeting Minutes from May approved.
President’s Report. Wayne Ave. Safety Coalition has been working on a plan to gather additional support outside of the neighborhood to advocate with the city for slowing traffic on our commercial stretch of Wayne. We continue to meet once a twice a month. If you’re interested in joining please see Karin after the meeting. Gazebo Mosaic Installation Member Approval Needed. South Park Lady – we will send out a photo. Since it’s public space, we need to have support from the neighborhood.
South Park Flats Development (Please read this article for the details). President Mark reminded everyone to attend the upcoming Land Use Board Meeting (July 10, 6pm, Downtown Library) and/or the Plan Board Meeting (July 11, 4:30pm, City Hall) as they are always open for the public to ask questions, express concerns.
Dayton July 4th Fireworks. They have been moved to Kettering Field, even further north than last year. If you are planning to watch them, just a heads up you won’t be able to see very well from South Park Green.
Congrats to Burgess and Janine Gow – Preservation Dayton Inc Award Recipients. Excellence for all of the work they have done restoring historic homes in South Park.
Committee Reports: Parks. Beautification project occurring at Adams Park. Weeding, mowing and watering to continue. Always looking for additional volunteers if you are interested, see Nick Vanderpool.
Housing. Thank you neighbors for submitting high grass issues. 26 Bonner: broken into several times and even after boarding it continues. It is in probate court, currently. Hickory Center break-in: we believe it may be the same group. If you see homes with any evidence of break-ins please call the police and also email Karin at [email protected] We appreciate the neighborhood watching these targeted vacant homes. Please also submit issues with dump and trash piles in the alleys – email [email protected]. A letter is being circulated to discuss issues at Sunoco, the crime, drunken loitering, trash and vagrancy that spill over into our Wayne Avenue businesses. The letter will request a meeting with the city manager and police to discuss these issues.
Social: New Neighbor Party on June 28th, please attend! HSPI is looking for an interested volunteer to organize a block party. If you are interested please notify Mark Manovich. Reminder that Speakeasy yoga instructors are holding free sessions in Blommel Park, 10am most Saturdays (check our Facebook page)
Announcements: South Park Tavern Reopening. Great news for the neighborhood!
Meeting adjourned at 8:01pm