Nick Vanderpool, 1st VP, opened the meeting at 7pm. He introduced guest speaker, John McManus – Montgomery County Treasurer, who spoke about the responsbilities of his office. If you would like to contact him with questions phone: 937-496-7755 or 937-225-4010 or email: [email protected]
John was elected in 2020 but because of interesting Ohio laws he did not start his term until September of 2021. He is the county’s banker, investor, and tax collector. His office offers many programs and services to the county. He emphasized that if you have a problem with your property taxes the best thing to do is to contact his office. They are there to help.
Anticrime Report: Officer Bunch reported that there was one robbery/aggravated robbery in the neighborhood last month. It was at the Magic Hamper and there is a suspect in custody. He did not have any other statistics. Officer Bunch was asked about adding speed bumps to Hickory Street and/or could a speed trailer be installed on Hickory at Emerson. In answer to a member question he advised if you put in a call to non-emergency police services and do not get any response you can call and ask for an arrival estimate, if that does not elicit a response, you can ask to speak to a supervisor.There was a discussion about tent communities and people camping on the Pedestrian Bridge to the Oregon District. Shana Newell is our contact at the Mobile Crisis Unit [email protected], (937) 333-7440.
Trent Smith from Goodwill/EasterSeals spoke about medication safety. There will be a medication turn in day on April 30th. Medicine disposal pouches are also available from Goodwill. It is important to dispose of medications properly and to keep items out of the water supply. Trent also wanted to make people aware of the Wellness Initiative for Senior Education. More can be found on their website:
No President’s Report
Social Committee: Sarah Morris. Changes to the calendar include: Shakespeare in South Park will be August 26-28. This is in conflict with the PPD for August. The PPD will be moved to September 10. A lead person is needed for the Easter Egg Hunt. Courtney Colburn will be leading the Earth Day Clean-up/Celebration Saturday, April 23 from 2-4pm.
Marketing: Kaitlyn Kraus. New Neighbor Party will be Thursday May 12th at 6PM at 521 Hickory Street – please let any of your new neighbors know! Throwback Thursdays are a great success, Kaitlyn would appreciate any old photos you can share with her.
Parks: Jill Davis. Rachel Roberts gets a shout out for getting the trash can/recycling bin at Hickory and Alberta emptied! The park at Adams and James has new grass seed. Please stay to the open side until the grass is well established. The dog bag stations throughout the neighborhood are going to be opened for sponsorship. Blommel Park will get new playground equipment…but not until 2023. There seems to be some confusion about the park behind Emerson School, Burns Jackson Park. The park, playground equipment, tennis and basketball courts are all public. Zac Reed gave an update on the SPUG. It will move to Burns Jackson Park next year. He and Luke Wuertemberger are planning to dig a well. They are also planning to build a storage shed for the garden. Verletta Jackson mentioned there might be a grant available for water and infrastructure.
Block Captains: Brandon Rodgers and Amanda Korb. HSPI Membership Application distribution is going well. More volunteers are needed to distribute flyers to the non-historic parts of the neighborhood.
Membership: Heath MacAlpine. Please volunteer to foster a block even if you cannot commit to it full time. New members and renewals are lagging behind last year. HSPI Plaques will be available, Heath has not been able to find an engraver. Please vote in the May primary.
No other new or old business
Tracy Kraft made a motion to adjourn, Abby Reed 2nd, Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.
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