- 4 execs – Mark Keller, president; Holly Diflora, treasurer; Tracy Kraft 2nd VP; Heath MacAlpine, Membership Secretary
- 15 neighbors, some in-person, most on Zoom; Officer Brandon Bunch DPD
- Guest speakers, Holly Hornbeak, Historic Preservation Planner, City of Dayton and Mayoral Candidate Rennes Bowers
Call to order: 7:01 pm, Hope Lutheran Church downstairs dining room.
Crime Report:
Per Officer Bunch, crime in South Park is way down. He’s happy about the uptick in reporting from neighbors, which allows him to handle situations before they become crimes. Some properties are under investigation at the moment, so Office Bunch couldn’t talk about them at the meeting. But if there’s something you’ve called about and need and update, you can email him at [email protected]. The gunman in the incident of April 3 when a man living on the 100 block of Park Drive survived being shot by his neighbor’s brother was arrested within a week of the shooting.
Rennes Bowers spoke for 5 minutes to share his qualifications for Mayor of Dayton and ask for votes at the May 4th primary.
Holly Hornbeak answered questions and concerns about rules governing homes in Historic South Park, and the processes of getting various approvals.
Minutes from the March 2021 meeting were approved.
Committee Reports:
Housing + Development: Happy to see Alberta Street resurfaced, curbs and sidewalks put back after weeks of work, with crews digging up the street to update the water mains that run under Alberta Street. Owners of the parcel of property at the bottom of the hill at South Park Green (east of Emerson Academy) no longer intend to build ten tiny homes on the lot. The owners, T&M Fisher Development, agreed that if they do not develop the parcel within 36 months, they will provide the city with the right of “first refusal” to repurchase the property for no more than $80,000, the price they paid for the parcel as reported in December 2019 DDN article. Throughout the summer, DP&L will be converting the street lights on South Park streets to LED lighting which are 40 to 60% more energy efficient than traditional lighting technologies.
Parks: Parks was awarded $1000 to spend on plants from the Keep Montgomery County Beautiful grant program. We are currently researching costs of bollards to put across the wide sidewalk entering Blommel Park from either side of Oak Street and the cost of repairing/replacing streel fence recently destroyed by a car careening through the Park. We’re expecting a tree to arrive to plant in South Park in memory of a late neighbor. The 5th Annual Earth Day neighborhood cleanup event on April 24th enjoyed great participation, resulting in clean streets and alleys. The event was sponsored by 15 neighborhood businesses whose logos appeared on free t-shirts for the participants.
Social: We’re holding another Matchmaking “Meet a new neighbor” event the weekend of May 22 in the open air near the Gazebo and may also do a brief version during the Saturday May 1 Yard Sale. Music teacher, Phyllis Tonne is holding Singing & Drumming sessions for everyone Tuesdays 5:45-7pm under the trees in Blommel Park through the spring and summer depending on weather.
Marketing/Communications: Proofing the final draft of the “New Neighbor Guide” to answer neighbors’ FAQs and share tips about living in a downtown Historic District.
President’s Report: Please volunteer for your neighborhood; there are many opportunities to contribute.
Treasurer’s Report: For month of March 2021: Income $1259, Expenses $0.00, Ending Balance $11,685.
Membership Report: After a successful first phase to renew HSPI memberships, we’ll do a 2nd push to capture more members, including businesses.
New business/Unfinished business:
Motion from March meeting withdrawn: (Discuss hiring a dog waste cleaning service to pick up poo on Park Drive Boulevard.)
Memorial Day Tour of Woodland Cemetery. May 31, 10am, meeting at the gates, leashed dogs welcome, bring flowers for graves if you wish. Galen tells us the topic will be Grocery Stores, many of which occupied our old corner store fronts.
Preservation Dayton (PDI). There’s a new downloadable self-guided walking tour to highlight the historic architecture for Historic South Park. There are tours available for all the Dayton historic neighborhoods.
Community Yard Sale. Saturday, May 1 beginning at 9am.
City of Dayton Primary Election. Please vote May 4th for your candidates for mayor, city council and vote yes or no to the 6 proposed amendments to the Dayton City Charter.
Notary Public. Message neighbor Heath MacAlpine if you need free notary services.
Meeting adjourned, 8:05 PM.
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