- 3 execs – Mark Keller, president; Tracy Kraft 2nd VP; Heath MacAlpine, Membership Secretary
- 12 neighbors, some in-person, most on Zoom
- Guest speaker, South Park neighbor Karin Manovich representing Preservation Dayton, Inc.
Call to order: 7:00 pm, Hope Lutheran Church downstairs dining room.
Crime Report:
Officer Bunch wasn’t able to attend but Anticrime Chair Tracy shared his report: Expect to see an increase in people experiencing homeless because of the warm weather. If you see someone who appears passed out or failing, please call 333-COPS for a wellness check. South Park has new problems in rental properties for both drugs and prostitution, but as investigations are underway, DPD will not share those addresses. If there’s something you’ve called about and need and update, you can email him at [email protected] or reach out to HSPI at [email protected].
Minutes from the April 2021 meeting were approved.
Guest Speaker: Karin explained the mission of Preservation Dayton, Inc., (PDI) a non-profit that received money from members and the Dayton Foundation Fund to control and stabilize endangered historic buildings, such as abandoned properties. It recognizes the work of preservationists, and socializes with historic neighborhoods, offering them resources to solve common problems. They’ve also created a walking tour brochure/audio for each historic neighborhood. Membership in PDI is $15/year.
Committee Reports:
Housing + Development: Chair Mark Keller submitted a length list of blighted/neglected properties to Housing Inspector John Carter, who is tracking down property owners to cite them for negligence. Reminder: Always get a Certificate of Appropriateness for work on the exterior of your historic home. Call Holly Hornbeak 937-333-4271. Water and gas line updates along Alberta Street are now complete and paving is on schedule.
Parks: Parks is generally on schedule for planting and landscaped beds care. The committee is late on getting mulch and fixing the fence around Blommel Park that was hit by a car, and installing bollards to prevent cars from entry.
Social: Porch, Patio and Deck parties to which all neighbors are invited will being in July. Social Chair Sarah Morris is working on Saturday morning yoga outdoors and an ice cream puppy social.
Marketing/Communications: The New Neighbor Guides are being distributed to everyone in South Park. It contains good information, especially about our Landmarks rules. We’ve also put Homeless Resource card in each of our three tiny food pantries. If you have a neighborhood event that needs promotion, please ask Kaitlyn Kraus via Facebook or [email protected]. Please attend the upcoming Memorial Day History Walk and the South Park Pickup Theater events.
President’s Report: Please volunteer for your neighborhood; there are many opportunities to contribute.
Treasurer’s Report: For month of April 2021: Ending balance $13,924.57. Major income items include membership $810.84, Contributions $250, Earth Day t-shirt sponsors $1,350. Major expense items include creating the New Neighbor Guide $280 (50% down payment on design), Easter egg hunt $102.75, Membership drive $109.54. Expenses for the South Park Earth Day event will post in May. Charitable registration has been filed. Tax return has been filed.
Membership Report: In May, we acquired 6 business members, 61 household members and 25 individual members, for a total of 153 people. If you have any questions about membership, call Heath MacAlpine at 937-313-4040 or email [email protected].
New business/Unfinished business:
David Esrati asked that HSPI please check its bylaws/policies regarding local candidates for public office who attend HSPI membership meetings and if/how long they are allowed to speak. HSPI is not allowed to endorse candidates. Neighbors can always organize an all-inclusive candidate forum if they so desire.
Meeting adjourned, 7:35 PM.
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