Attendees: 4 execs – Mark Keller, president; Tracy Kraft 2nd VP; Holly Diflora Treasurer’ Heath MacAlpine, Membership Secretary. 21 neighbors in-person/on Zoom

Guests: Sarah Badger and Gail Dafler, Goodwill Easterseals Prevention Team (660 South Main)

Call to order: 7:05 pm, Hope Lutheran Church downstairs dining room.

Crime Report: Officer Bunch reported DPD efforts in South Park to combat the rise in porch package theft which increase this time of year. The monthly crime report looks good, except for an increase in domestic situations. Regarding the two sometimes aggressive German shepherds many neighbors have encountered, Officer Bunch did warn their owners that if the family continued to allow their dogs to roam free, they could expect tickets. To enforce the law, however, police must be absolutely certain the dogs we’ve been complaining about belong to this family. To prevent them from saying, “Those aren’t my dogs” Officer Bunch encourages neighbors to take a picture if they see these dogs leaving the unfenced property.

Members asked if the police could do anything about the speeding dangerous traffic around Emerson Academy (501 Hickory Street) in the mornings – one neighbor counted 54 cars speeding down Bonner to/from Hickory in just 10 minutes. Officer Bunch said he will bring a laser and maybe speed trailers to collect data.  Afternoon traffic is being managed very well by Emerson.

Anti-crime report: A reminder that there are 3 ways to report crime. (1) Call an officer and have them respond. (2) Make an online report which goes to a DPD detective. (3) Call the DPD telephone reporting unit and they’ll fill out the report for you. 937-333-COPS (2677). Please don’t leave your unoccupied cars running in cold weather leaving them vulnerable to car thieves.

Guests: Sarah Badger and Gail Dafler, Goodwill Easterseals Prevention Team, described their work meeting with people experiencing homelessness and connecting them to housing and services. It takes time. Their team also builds resilience through education for those with mental illness and substance abuse issues. They left a dozen medical disposable pouches and recommend we all keep opioids secure and safe. Goodwill/Easterseals can loan a lockbox if needed along with other medical equipment. They are happy to accept donations of medical equipment such as walkers and wheelchairs.

Minutes from the October 2021 meeting were approved.

Committee Reports:

Housing + Development: No new updates. The Oak Street Church (433 Oak Street) has a new owner, but they have not responded to our request to introduce the neighborhood to them.

Parks: While South Park was awarded a City of Dayton Mini-Grant in the amount of $4600 for Parks improvement in August of 2021, the paperwork has not yet been completed so Parks cannot start work on its Safety/Beautification plan. The new gate at Adams Park is much appreciated by members. Volunteers raked/blew leave for the first City leaf removal (one more in January). Parks requested $300 additional dollars for LED Christmas lights for exterior evergreen tree on Park. Gazebo decorating scheduled for Nov 27th.

Social:  The Outdoor Cider Soiree Nov 20 was a hit! About 70 attended and enjoyed meeting neighbors. There will be no Hot Toddy this year. Neighbors have organized a Euchre Tournament to be held at Hope the afternoon of Dec 11.

Marketing/Communications:  The committee purchased its laptop and will soon purchase a conference camera. Keeping everyone up to date on neighborhood happenings via Historic South Park Facebook page, emails and website.

President’s Report:   Current president Mark Keller steps down this year.

Treasurer’s Report:  For October-September 2021, the treasury balance is $11,882.32. That’s after reconciling all the expenses and income related to Shakespeare in South Park, which broke even. HSPI received an anonymous donation of $500 to pay for the MarComm laptop. (See full report below)

Membership Report: HSPI ends the year with an impressive 207 members. The 2022 membership drive will begin shortly.

New business/Unfinished business:  None.


Mark Manovich will serve as HSPI President for the next two years; Holly DiFlora is re-elected to another two-year term; there was a tie vote for 2nd VP (Veronica Court vs. Sarah Dugan). Veronica won the position in a coin toss. Here is your 2022 team:

President: Mark Manovich

1st VP: Nick Vanderpool

2nd VP: Veronica Court

Treasurer: Holly DiFlora

Membership Secretary: Heath MacAlpine

Recording Secretary: Elizabeth Horner

Committee Chairs:

·         Anti-Crime: open

·         Block Captain Co-chairs: Amanda Korb and Brandon Rogers

·         Housing/Development: Mark Keller

·         Marketing Communications: Kaitlyn Kraus

·         Social: Sarah Morris

·         Parks: Jill Davis

Members voted not to hold a December 2021 meeting.

Meeting adjourned, 7:50 PM.



Treasurer’s Report – September 1, 2021 – October 31, 2021

Opening balance ……………………………………………………………..$11,403.80


Membership dues…………………………………………105.60

Merchandise sales……………………………………….199.96




Total Income                                                                   $3,283.62



Post Office box rental…….…………………….…………..188.00

Merchandise cost……………………………………..……45.09

Bank fees………………………………………………….…..2.00

Total Expenses                                                          $2,805.10

Ending balance………………………..….…….…..…$11,882.32

Respectfully submitted, Holly E. Di Flora, Treasurer


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