Attendees: 3 execs – Mark Keller, president; Holly Diflora Treasurer; Heath MacAlpine, Membership Secretary. Sparce attendance by members.
Call to order: 7:00 pm, Hope Lutheran Church.
Crime Report: Theft of catalytic converters in South Park and throughout Dayton continue, some thefts in broad daylight. Please trust your judgement if you see something that strikes you as odd or dangerous and call 937-333-COPS, the non-emergency number to alert the Police that our area needs patrolling. You can also email our local officer [email protected] to make sure he knows about any areas of concern.
Minutes from the September 2021 meeting were approved.
Committee Reports:
Housing + Development: The usual reminder for everyone to get a Certificate of Appropriateness for work on the exterior of your historic home. Call Holly Hornbeak 937-333-4271. If you see blight or non-compliance with Landmark Commission rules, please call the Housing Inspector, John Carter 937-333-3956. If you need a Blue Book (Landmark Commission Guidelines), or a New Neighbor Guide, let us know. We’ll drop them at your house.
Parks: A new matching steel gate was installed by Merker Iron Works at Adams Park to keep children and pets from running into the street, and to keep stray dogs from entering the park to poop. Parks volunteers will be putting up Christmas lights on the Gazebo and three fir trees after Thanksgiving. Volunteers needed to start seeds next year for begonias. The Committee will meet to plan its budget for 2022. We’ll begin implementing our 2021 mini-grant.
Social: No report. (As of last month’s report, due to public health concerns, there are no plans for HSPI sponsored Halloween or Christmas parties)
Marketing/Communications: Please let us know if you or anyone near you needs a New Neighbor Guide and we will drop it off. The purchase of a laptop and camera to record meetings is underway. Current promotions include a Self-defense class Nov 3, 7-8:30pm at the Gospel Mission Gym. We’ll soon share profiles of the 2022-2024 officer candidates/appointees along with instructions for voting online and in person.
Officer reports:
President’s Report: Volunteerism is vital. Please attend the November 23rd meeting to vote for our candidates for 2022-2024 HSPI officers. Offices up for election/re-election are president, 2nd VP, and Treasurer.
Nominating Committee Report: Here are the candidates and appointees for the upcoming election. Candidate for President: Mark Manovich. Candidates for 2nd VP: Sarah Dugan and Veronica Court. Candidate for Treasurer: Holly DiFlora (incumbent). Appointees to fill the remainder of two open positions: 1st VP Nick Vanderpool, Recording Secretary Elizabeth Horner. We’ll be looking to recruit a new Chair for Coordinator of Block Captains and for Anti-Crime.
Treasurer’s Report: to come
Membership Report: We have 203 members: 42 individuals, 9 businesses, 76 households. Heath is arranging for online and in-person voting in November for members in good standing. If you have any questions about membership, call Heath MacAlpine at 937-313-4040 or email [email protected].
New business/Unfinished business: The naming of officer candidates, appointees and new chairs. (See president’s report above.)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trick or Treat hours in South Park: Sunday, Oct 31, 6-8pm.
Meeting adjourned, 7:21 PM.
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