News & Updates
Excellence in Preservation Award to the Wilsons and Regniers
The Excellence In Preservation Award recognizes creative, inspirational leaders whose efforts have contributed to the protection, renovation, and revitalization of historic neighborhoods, individual structures, or strengthened the historic preservation movement or the quality of life in Dayton’s historic communities.
Home improvements in a Landmark neighborhood
Spring is home improvement season. That means something special in a Historic District. To preserve the value of your Landmark property, check The Blue Book and apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness (CoA) from the Landmarks Commission before you start any work on the exterior of any buildings, fencing or landscaping.
Dayton has record homeownership rate (and another South Parker makes the news)
Despite Dayton’s struggles with blight, strong home sales help regional homeownership rates climb to their highest in 35 years.
Meet our neighbors Motivated Motions and Eric Dorney
After the 2014 edition of Small Business Saturday in South Park, we heard from quite a few people who were surprised to learn that there were so many businesses in South Park - many that were new to them. So, over the next year or so, we're aiming to fix that. We'll...
“Best Hot Toddy Party EVER!” – 2014 Photo Gallery Now Available
Thanks to everyone who came out for the "Best Hot Toddy Party EVER" party! It was fun! While our roaming camera people did their best to capture the event, nothing replaces being there! We hope to see you there next year. Special thanks to Jill Davis and her crew of...
More information about Dayton Community Reinvestment Areas
After posting a story about a new Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) coming to the neighborhood, we received a number of requests for more information about CRAs, how they work and who to contact to answer any questions. We are sharing information provided by CityWide...
More information about a proposed reinvestment area for part of the neighborhood
The Dayton Daily News reported that Dayton city commissioners are expected to vote on legislation designating a portion of the South Park neighborhood as a Community Reinvestment Area(CRA) at this Wednesday's meeting (see proposed area below). According to officials...
One Saturday. A few hands. A big improvement! | Photo Gallery Now available
Thanks to the efforts of a few of our neighbors and a grant from East End Community Services, two of the flower beds on Park Drive are looking refreshed. Just two more to go! A big shout out to the volunteers who took a few hours from their busy schedules and did...