News & Updates

Food Truck Shindig and Street Party – ThankYou

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thanks to everyone who attended or had a hand in making our first-ever Food Truck Shindig and Street Party such a roaring success! The following partners and sponsors helped to make this event possible. Media Partner WYSO Public Radio...

Happy Earth Day: It pays to recycle!

DSCI0654If you live in the City of Dayton, there’s an ever better reason to recycle! Recycling saves the environment, but it also saves money. In March, Dayton recycled 430 tons of materials, saving $16,000 in landfill disposal fees, which would equate to $192,000 over the course of a year. When we reach 500 tons per month, it will be FREE to get rid of recycling. By achieving our goal of recycling 1,000 tons a month, we’d save about $340,000 a year. Help us save money, reduce solid waste, and protect the environment. Recycle!

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Join Kelley Deal as South Park Tavern’s Artist in Residence Every Tuesday in April

South Park neighbor and recording artist Kelley Deal, best known as a member of The Breeders, will be hosting an artist residency at South Park Tavern, with special guests and performances every Tuesday in April! Doors open at 8PM, admission is $5. Appropriate for all ages.As a super-loyal South Parker, Kelley says she wanted to use the residency to really honor the creative spirit of the neighborhood, so in addition to musical performances, she’ll also be hosting Q&As with HSPI’s own Amy Lee, community gardening guru Kasey Henneman, and nationally recognized graphic artist Chris Glass. Also, YOUR chance to write a song with Kelley Deal: the South Park Songwriting Experiment April 19!

Check out the full schedule and promotional video below:

April 5
Amy Lee, Q&A with HSPI President
Scott Torres
Smug Brothers

April 12
Kasey Henneman, Community Gardening Q&A
Joel Walter
Andy Gabbard

April 19
South Park Song Writing Experiment
Motel Beds

April 26
Chris Glass, Q &A
Nick Eddy
Jasper the Colossal

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We Reached Our $5K Matching Goal for CDBG!

Last year, Historic South Park was awarded a Capital Improvements grant in the amount of $300,000 to fix walkways and add historic lighting on the Park Drive Boulevard. As part of the grant, we were asked to contribute $5,000 in matching funds, so, in December, we...

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