News & Updates
Our South Park businesses feel the love
The reviews are in! Read why your neighbors love shopping & gathering in South Park as we celebrate shopping small & local for the holidays.
Escape from the Middle East – The Story of Halal International Grocery
Faez isn’t there all the time, but if you run into him or his three younger brothers, one of whom used to live on Oak Street, and you can get them to talk about the way Faez walked out of Iraq several times to get his family out – it’s an amazing story.
Anonymous Donor Pledges to Fund Blommel Park Fence Repair
Thanks to a very generous neighbor, plans are finally underway to repair the $4,000 worth of damage done to the historic “hairpin” fence around Blommel Park.
In May, take a historic walk, join a meeting, support South Park
Events in May include the 2021 Membership Drive, our May 25th Neighborhood Meeting and a
Memorial Day Cemetery Walk at Woodland.
Walking tours tell stories of Dayton’s fascinating historic neighborhoods
A series of self-guided walking tours in the 10 historically-zoned neighborhoods in Dayton are now available courtesy of Preservation Dayton, Inc. The walking tours highlight architectural and historical features of each area.
Q & A with Holly Hornbeak about Landmark rules
No surprise that the conversation at our April meeting was mostly about exterior house paint colors and fencing. As a City of Dayton Historic Preservation Planner, Holly is the neighbors’ first point of contact for Zoning approval of their property changes. Phone 937-333-4271. Fax 937-333-4281. [email protected]
Excellence in Preservation Award to the Wilsons and Regniers
The Excellence In Preservation Award recognizes creative, inspirational leaders whose efforts have contributed to the protection, renovation, and revitalization of historic neighborhoods, individual structures, or strengthened the historic preservation movement or the quality of life in Dayton’s historic communities.
Home improvements in a Landmark neighborhood
Spring is home improvement season. That means something special in a Historic District. To preserve the value of your Landmark property, check The Blue Book and apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness (CoA) from the Landmarks Commission before you start any work on the exterior of any buildings, fencing or landscaping.