News & Updates
Escape from the Middle East – The Story of Halal International Grocery
Faez isn’t there all the time, but if you run into him or his three younger brothers, one of whom used to live on Oak Street, and you can get them to talk about the way Faez walked out of Iraq several times to get his family out – it’s an amazing story.
Anonymous Donor Pledges to Fund Blommel Park Fence Repair
Thanks to a very generous neighbor, plans are finally underway to repair the $4,000 worth of damage done to the historic “hairpin” fence around Blommel Park.
South Park Community Garden Wins Grant and is on the Move for Spring 2023!
Good old SPUG has found a new home. The South Park Urban Garden is transitioning from Burns-Nathan to Burns-Jackson Park, by Emerson Academy. Start looking through those seed catalogs!
Excellence in Preservation Award to the Wilsons and Regniers
The Excellence In Preservation Award recognizes creative, inspirational leaders whose efforts have contributed to the protection, renovation, and revitalization of historic neighborhoods, individual structures, or strengthened the historic preservation movement or the quality of life in Dayton’s historic communities.
Home improvements in a Landmark neighborhood
Spring is home improvement season. That means something special in a Historic District. To preserve the value of your Landmark property, check The Blue Book and apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness (CoA) from the Landmarks Commission before you start any work on the exterior of any buildings, fencing or landscaping.
Dayton has record homeownership rate (and another South Parker makes the news)
Despite Dayton’s struggles with blight, strong home sales help regional homeownership rates climb to their highest in 35 years.
A Bird’s-eye View of South Park
Neighbor Benjamin Hedrick is a videographer and voice actor. In order to keep himself busy, he decided to make a commercial about the neighborhood for fun. Enjoy!
Christmas 2020 in South Park
Alright South Park, the UFC (Unofficial Fun Committee) had our meeting and we've nailed down the events for December! Here's what we've got lined up: Santa Claus is coming to South Park! Tuesday, Dec 22nd @ 4PM Santa will arrive in his trailer... ahem, sleigh...