HSPI General Meeting October 25, 2022 at Hope Lutheran Church

Officers Present: Mark Manovich, Karin Manovich, Heath MacAlpine, Elizabeth Horner, Sarah Dugan, Nick Vanderpool, 

Mark opened the meeting and had everyone introduce themselves.

Officer Bunch was not present so there was no police report.

Nick made a motion to accept the September general membership meeting minutes, Sarah Morris 2nd and the motion passed.

Heath discussed the proposal to remove the actual cost of membership dues from the HSPI by-laws. The change would allow the executive board to propose a change to membership dues and have the general membership approve any change. Because the dues are currently written into the by-laws no changes have been made since 2005. Galen made a motion to accept the change in the by-laws, Jill 2nd and the motion passed. A discussion of changes to the dues will be added to the agenda for the November meeting.

President’s report: The current round of pipe repairs is complete. The city will let us know when the next streets to be repaired have been identified.

We have a new Community Engagement Specialist – Martha-Jeannette Rodriguez 937-333-1813.

Nomination Committee Report: There are three elected positions on the executive board which need to be filled for next year. Each one carries a two-year term.

1st Vice President – nominee Nick Vanderpool (incumbent)

Membership Chair – nominee Erin Jefferies – she has lived in the neighborhood for 5 years and would like to be more involved

Recording Secretary – nominee Sarah Morris (currently social chair) Sarah works for the American Cancer Society and has been a very involved member of the executive committee.

Elections will be held online and at the November General membership meeting on November 22.

Committee Reports:
Social – There will be two Halloween events this year, both at Blommel Park .  A non HSPI event on Friday night with food trucks and games, this event has been planned by a generous neighbor. Then on Sunday night, our traditional hotdog cookout and Halloween Parade just before trick or treating begins. 

A holiday Party will be held on December 3rd at Hope Lutheran Church. This will be a potluck – sign ups will be available. There will also be an optional white elephant exchange. We will also be taking a collection of gifts for a non-profit that supports foster kids. More details will be forthcoming.

On November 18th the 2nd Annual Neighborhood Euchre Tournament will be held at Hope Lutheran Church. 

Parks – Jill thanked the many people who have been helping with fall cleanup at the parks. The fence at Blommel Park was installed by the neighborhood and therefore it is ours to maintain. There have been several car strikes to the fence recently. A generous neighbor has offered funds for the repairs; however, we need to install some barriers to prevent further damage. Jackie Van Tilburgh made a motion to allocate $1,500 to purchase several large rocks, Nick 2nd and the motion passed. 

Membership – no report except that our PayPal account was down so no new members could join online. This issue is being addressed.

Anti-crime – there was an interfamily disturbance on Oak Street – one family member was arrested. 

Housing – Please use Dayton Delivers to report issues in the neighborhood. You can report everything from open structures to low hanging trees. It is an easy to get a cleaner, safer, neighborhood. 

Karin and Mark will be attending a Neighborhood Roundtable sponsored by the city. They will report at the November meeting.

SPUD (South Park Urban Drinkers) will be meeting at Toxic Brew Company this month. You can join a private Facebook group to get notifications about their outings. 

SPUG (South Park Urban Garden) needs help with PR and communications – you do not have to live in South Park to have a garden plot.

Leaf pick up will be the weeks of November 21st and January 9th. Please rake your leaves to the curb.

Phyllis made a motion to adjourn, Nick 2nd and the motion passed. Mark ended the meeting at 7:45.

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