General Membership Meeting
September 27, 2022, | 7:00 pm | Meeting location Hope Lutheran Church
Executive Board Attendees: Heath McAlpine, Kaitlyn Kraus, Holly DiFlora, Sarah Dugan, Veronica Court, Sarah Morris, Mark Manovich, Karin Manovich, Elizabeth Horner,
Absent: Amanda Korb, Nick Vanderpool, Mark Keller, Brandon Rogers
Officer Bunch – There were two shop lifting offences and one burglary in the neighborhood last month. Crime is down 60% for the month and 26% for the year. Mark Manovich reported finding two needles in South Park Green. Officer Bunch said that he can try to pay special attention to the area going forward. Officer Bunch has asked for 18 Adams to be boarded. 418 Alberta also has an open window that needs to be secured. 530 Adams has had less traffic and no drug activity. If anyone sees increased activity there, please let him know. A question was asked about repeat offenders: Officer Bunch said that the only thing to do is to call the non-emergency line. Another question: Can we have someone trespassed from the entire neighborhood? – it has been done, but it is very rare. There are two German shepherds on Bonner Street which get loose frequently. ARC is better equipped to handle this situation (937-898-4457). The number of officers on the street is at a record low. There is a new class at the academy, the city is working to fix the problem but right now there really are not enough officers to patrol. Regarding reports of people in the neighborhood with knives or guns, open carry is legal and unless there is some immediate threat, there is nothing the police can do.
Approval of the July minutes – approved with one correction – Sarah Dugan was present.
President’s Report | Mark Manovich
Update on water line replacement, street closures, sidewalk/street repair on Johnson, Bonner,
Bradford, and James Street. New completion date is the end of October 2022. If you have questions, you can call the manager of the project, John Sintell at 937-416-3934.
There is a city of Dayton conference at Belmont high school on Saturday, October 1st from 7:30 to 2. Mark will be attending and will report next month.
Tote bags are available for sale – $5.
Open Board Positions are as follows: 1st vice-president; Membership; Recording Secretary. Karin Manovich is the nominating committee. If you are interested in a position on the board, please see Karin.
The 1St Annual South Park Murder Mystery will be October 1st. As of 9-27 122 of 126 tickets have been sold.
Holly DiFlora, Finance – current balance is around $13,800
Sarah Morris, Social – PPD’s are over for this year. Very successful. Halloween is October 31st, the city of Dayton’s Beggar’s lnight is the 31st from 6-8. Discussion about the pre-beggar’s night hotdogs and parade needs a volunteer. Tim BLythe will coordinate. A white elephant gift exchange/holiday celebration will be held on December 3rd. More details to follow.
Kaitlyn Kraus, Marketing – focus is on this Saturday’s Murder Mystery.
Parks – just a reminder that the city only mows in the neighborhood. All other garden activity must be done by neighbors. Feel free to weed, rake, or trim as necessary.
Heath McAlpine, Membership – we are up 17 members this year.
Karin Manovich, Housing and Development: the South Park Food Hall will be opening at the corner of Wayne and Hickory. 621 Hickory has been slated for demolition.
New Business:
Heath MacAlpine has written a proposed change to the by-laws which removes the cost of membership details from the by-laws and allows the Executive Board to set dues with the approval of the general membership. Voting on this change will take place at the October meeting.
Do we want to support Project Believe which collects small gifts for kids in foster care? Gifts could be brought to the Holiday Party on December 3rd. More details to be provided at the October meeting.
A neighbor who lives near the church on Bonner is concerned about the intended use of the property. Karin reported that Zoning is aware of his activities. The owner cannot live there currently as it is zoned as a church. Any concerning activity can be reported through the Dayton Delivers app- reports can be made anonymously.
Motion to adjourn was made by Bruce Laforce/ 2nd by everyone – meeting adjourned at 8:16
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