It’s a wonderful thing to have so many young families in South Park!

While we’re experiencing this “mini-baby-boom” we find that our neighborhood parks do not have enough toddler-age play items. The Blommel Park Playground Fundraiser addresses that lack. If you love to see families doing happy, healthy outdoor play, please consider a donation! We’re delighted that the City of Dayton installed a brand-new playground set in Blommel Park in the winter of 2023. After 25+ years, it’s  great to have modern equipment to help keep rambunctious 5-12 years olds away from computer screens and outdoors where they can be active and social.

And now we find ourselves with boisterous toddlers in need of miniature-size equipment.

Enter the new Blommel Park Playground Fundraiser, organized by a big group of parents who are getting it done.  They are doing exactly what it takes to organize a team, work with the City of Dayton Public Works Department, with the support of the neighborhood council and its volunteers and raise a significant chunk of change. It’s a large task with many details. And if you look closely, it’s also a lesson for other neighborhoods on how to get things done for the good of the community. Interested in lending your support? Here’s the Go Fund Me link. Meanwhile, let’s jump to the details:

There will be 2 phases of fundraising

Phase 1:We will raise $14,000. We have $30,000 committed, and together that would get us to the total cost of Phase 1 which all told come to $44,000. It includes:

Phases 2: If Phase 1 is a success and we still have momentum, we’ll work toward Phase 2  and raise $35,000 for:

The vision looks forward to making Blommel Park the coolest playground ever, while continuing to grow the community-building powers of this beloved family park. Questions? Contact Katrina Badger [email protected]