Meeting Minutes

September 2022 Meeting Minutes

THe neighborhood is getting ready for fall events, including the Halloween Costume Parade & Weenie Roast, the new murder mystery/home tour event, and a winter holiday party.

July 2022 Meeting Minutes

The City has announced new efforts to enforce housing codes to prevent blight. HSPI is considering raising its membership dues.

June 2022 Meeting Minutes

We look forward to Gazebo concerts and a handy canvas tote with the South Park Lady logo!

A Report from the 2014 HSPI Nominating Committee

A Report from the 2014 HSPI Nominating Committee

The 2014 HSPI Nominating Committee (Jill Davis, Joel Pruce, James Wahl and Jeff Peterson) are pleased to submit the following parties and their bios for your consideration. Each of these parties has expressed a willingness to serve our neighborhood as an elected Board...