South Park News

Year in Review: Our hard-working neighborhood improvement council accomplished plenty in 2024

From neighborhood safety, to playground improvements, to tackling nuisance properties and our usual social and volunteer activities, 2024 was another busy year for South Park.

From Dayton Daily News: Details of the 3rd Annual South Park Murder Mystery

It’s the 1940s, and a fictional controversial comedian appears to have been killed. Attendees of the South Park Murder Mystery Home Tour will need to figure out who poisoned him.

15 years of Shakespeare: Outdoor theater company celebrates milestone with free performances

Extra! Extra! Ready all about it! Shakespeare in South Park makes the news with it’s 15th outdoor production of the comedy, Love’s Labour’s Lost”

Q & A with Holly Hornbeak about Landmark rules

No surprise that the conversation at our April meeting was mostly about exterior house paint colors and fencing. As a City of Dayton Historic Preservation Planner, Holly is the neighbors’ first point of contact for Zoning approval of their property changes. Phone 937-333-4271. Fax 937-333-4281. [email protected]

Excellence in Preservation Award to the Wilsons and Regniers

The Excellence In Preservation Award recognizes creative, inspirational leaders whose efforts have contributed to the protection, renovation, and revitalization of historic neighborhoods, individual structures, or strengthened the historic preservation movement or the quality of life in Dayton’s historic communities.