HSPI General Meeting: June 25, 2024, 7-8 pm, Hope Lutheran Church

Call to Order by President Mark Manovich at 7pm, Introductions and Social Time Invite

Community Reports

Dayton Police Department: No report

City of Dayton Housing Inspector, Tim Bascom: Legal orders (that is, orders issued to the building owner to bring property up to minimum standards to prevent blight and crime and improve home values and safety) will be coming out next month for garages in need of major repair. Of the 95 legal orders issued most recently, about 1 in 9 homes in South Park are in need of paint.

City of Dayton Community Engagement, Martha Rodriguez: No updates

General Meeting Minutes: for April and May 2024 were approved with no changes.

President’s Report

Emerson School & Hickory Street Traffic Update: (see Hickory Street traffic decongestion plan submitted in June 2023). Heritage Academies shared that that the surveyor took a bit longer than they expected and they are working to save mature trees. Plans have been submitted to Dayton and the contractor believes construction will be complete the end of this summer. It will take about 4 weeks, if weather cooperates. They do not have an official construction start date, but they will not wait to begin construction even if the school year starts.

The owner of 735 Wayne/old Blommel Sign building (corner of Wayne and Buckeye) is offering a neighborhood tour of his building. He is looking for tenants. He plans to add loading ramps to the north (off Buckeye) and to the west from Buckeye. See details of his 2023 plans.

New Hope Church, 530 Xenia Ave, Twin Towers neighborhood, is hosting focus groups, seeking help on how they can best use their block-long building complex to support their community. Diverse Twin Towers resident groups, organizations, and adjacent neighborhoods are invited to give input about their needs. Mark and Karin Manovich plan to attend on behalf of South Park, July 1st.

WATSC update: Funding for traffic calming along the dangerous South Park stretch of Wayne Avenue depends on the results of the ODOT Wayne Avenue Traffic Safety Study, requested by the City, now underway. The consultant in charge of the study will conduct a site visit July 10th and has invited the WATSC team to meet at Ghostlight Coffee and give their input. Mark stated his concern about the accuracy of the study now that traffic is significantly reduced/slowed because of the current Wayne Avenue road construction happening south of us,

The July 23, 2024 HSPI meeting: will be outdoors in Blommel Park, 7-8pm. Please bring a chair. In case of rain, it will be at 500 Hickory as usual. Remember, there is no meeting in August.

The September 24, 2024 HSPI meeting will feature a presentation by Five Rivers Metroparks about their upcoming levy request on the November ballot.

Officer & Committee Reports

Marketing: Willie Morris IV (currently president of WATSC) has expressed interest in leading this committee.

Social: Pride Parade on June 30th from 3-4:30pm at Blommel Park. We’ve scheduled two PPD’s  (Porch, Patio, & Deck parties), Saturday, July 13th 6-10pm at 106 Park Drive and Friday, August 9th 6-10pm at 406 Hickory Street, 6-10pm. $5 for adults, beverages provided.

Parks: The Blommel Park subcommittee invites everyone to a fundraiser at Yellow Cab on Tuesday, July 16th at 6:30pm. HSPI will receive 10% of food and beverage sales and $5 per bingo card. Kids are welcome! New swings have been fully funded and ordered and expected to be installed in September. New funds are sought for 8 shade trees and a drinking fountain.

Block Captains: Jayne Walton and Jeanine Gow are the new team leads for handing out flyers to the neighborhood.

Membership: We currently have 64 households, which is up from last year.

Anti-Crime: Mark Manovich will reach out to Mark Keller and the DPD to try and restart monthly reports.

Housing/Development: We thank our Housing Inspector Tim for all his efforts in asking neighbors to tidy up trashed and blighted properties.

Finance: the most recent Treasurer’s Report can be found here.

Preservation Dayton (PDI): A successful public tour of The Delco Lofts historic renovation.


Shakespeare in South Park reports that all acting parts for Love’s Labour’s Lost are filled and rehearsals begin next week. Performances in South Park Green, August 17, 18, 19 at 8pm. Free/donations.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25pm.