After two years of agitating for safety along South Park’s stretch of Wayne Avenue, WATSC is pleased to share plans for a traffic-calming redesign.

The Wayne Avenue Traffic Safety Coalition (WATSC) is happy to bring you an exciting update on its efforts to calm traffic on Wayne Avenue.

The Ohio Department of Transportation has completed the requested safety study on our stretch of road, and has proposed some pedestrian-friendly improvements via these three documents. 

The City of Dayton and ODOT are expecting our feedback, so please take our survey (below). As you examine these documents, we would like to call your attention to the following design features:

  1. A road diet will be performed on Wayne from Keowee to the US-35 overpass/Buckeye Street, taking it from 5 lanes to 3. We’re looking for opinions on what to do with the extra space. Some ideas are wider sidewalks, tree lining, on-street bike lanes, and/or on-street parking.
  2. The entire intersection of Clover and Wayne will be raised and will incorporate bollards to create an additional traffic barrier for people and property. This is a major win for an intersection that has caused problems for so many.
  3. An additional raised crosswalk will be added at the southern end of Park Drive. For an idea as to how this would slow traffic, try driving down 4th Street through Sinclair’s campus. This would serve as an excellent first reminder to vehicles to slow down as they come off of the downhill portion of Wayne to the south of us.

Overall, WATSC believes these designs will make our neighborhood safer.

Here is our survey.  Please submit it by February 25th, 2025.

A brief presentation of the design will occur at the Historic South Park neighborhood meeting on Tuesday, February 25th at Hope Lutheran Church at 7pm (500 Hickory).

The WATSC team is here for the long-term, knowing efforts like this take years to come to fruition. It will take another 2 to 3 years for these safety measures to be funded and implemented. Stay with us!

On behalf of the neighbors, stakeholders and core working groups that make up WATSC, I want to thank all of you for the input you provided during the July 2024 public input hearing for the Traffic Safety Study of Wayne Avenue. Thank you for raising your voice to help plan for a walkable community.