Meeting Minutes

July 2023 Meeting Minutes

Our last meeting of the summer (we don’t meet in August) was held at Branch & Bone. Our discussion focused on anti-crime and how we are working with the Dayton police to protect the businesses along Wayne Avenue and keep trespassers off of private property.

June 2023 Meeting Minutes

Member had a productive conversation about the Hickory Street traffic headaches with leaders from Emerson Academy and City of Dayton staff; Phase 3 of South Park Flats is announced; progress on Wayne Avenue Safety, discussion of crime at Sunoco stations.

May 2023 Meeting Minutes

Montgomery County Treasurer and the president of Preservation Dayton Inc. talk about how to get abandoned or foreclosed properties back on the market so they can be lived in again.

February 2022 Meeting Minutes

A presentation from Goodwill Easterseals Dayton, an event to honor 2 families for their heroic efforts to save two homes on Park Drive, discussion about HSPI finances and the proposed budget.

October 2021 Meeting Minutes

We’re preparing the ballots, thanks to a slate of enthusiastic candidates ready to serve on the HSPI exec team next year! For the first time members will be able to vote either online or in-person.

September 2021 Meeting Minutes

A quiet month, and a healthy treasury. We’re looking ahead to exec team elections in the coming months! Think about volunteering, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have or support new activities you’d like to head up.

July 2021 Meeting Minutes

The July crime report details the extensive work the DPD has been doing in South Park, often in unmarked cars. Neighbors express concern about blighted homes owned by the City. The first neighborhood party was a very enjoyable success. The next will be held on Saturday, August 7! The Parks committee applied for a City of Dayton Mini-Grant.

June 2021 Meeting Minutes

Our first neighborhood party takes place on July 17th! Shakespeare in South Park announces its 2021 staging of The Importance of Being Earnest.